Getting your
own mortgage website? Or are you looking for a complete
Internet marketing mortgage solution?
Here are some tips
on how to make your website bring in the loans.
You can use the same mortgage marketing material
items that you use offline as well as online.
For a great source of mortgage marketing material
items visit
They have several complete mortgage marketing systems that will
help you no matter how much business you are doing now.
Some of the best mortgage
marketing material is as follows:
- Regular newsletter
- Thank you notes
- Regular phone calls to past customers and prospects
- An 800 recorded message service
- Closing gifts
- After sale service program
Currently, there is no one offering a complete Internet
mortgage marketing solution. I know because I've been looking.
I have checked out all the companies who offer mortgage websites.
Our mortgage company even signed up for one with the largest company
offering mortgage websites. And it was so disappointing that I don't
even want to talk about it. They nickel and dime you for everything.
There are also companies that sell "lead generation
mortgage websites". These are nothing more than a simple form
that visitors fill out and receive a "free report" that
was slapped together by some minimum wage writer. These are not
the type of mortgage marketing material you need.
And because of this lack of a proper Internet
mortgage marketing solution, I am working with a
internet design company to create a mortgage website that will do
everything we need it to do, generate leads, take loan apps, track
customers, follow up with visitors, offer free information, etc.
But it will also allow you to make your own changes, add pages,
and have rates updated automatically everyday.
In addition, it will have lots of content for visitors
and search engines. And that will help you achieve a high position
on the search engines, and that will bring visitors to your site.
No other site available today guarantees visitors. This one will.
For more info visit, Mortgage
Broker Web Sites
But until then, you need to develop your own Internet
mortgage marketing solution. Here are some free Internet mortgage
marketing tips to help you along.
Have lots of content. The more information the better.
You will rank higher on the search engines, people will link to
your site, visitors will come back again and again, and will see
you as the mortgage expert.
Capture the information of every visitor. You must
have a free newsletter or offer some free information to get visitors'
email addresses. This allows you to continue to market to them again
and again. It also allows you to keep your name in their conscious
mind by offering more good info on a regular basis. You can do this
by using auto responders. To get the name of the auto responder
company we use, visit :
Offer your free info on all your print advertising.
Put your offer on your business card. This gives people a reason
to go to your website.
Give prospects a reason to act now. Even if they
don't need their loan for months, we want them in the office to
meet you right now. So give them an incentive to do so.
Have pages for your realtor partners and other referral
partners. Create a "We Recommend" page and list all the
companies you receive referrals from. More info on how to generate
boatloads of referrals is available at
And don't forget to visit the marketing products
page at for
great mortgage
marketing material as well.